Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Weekly Update 9-17-19

Hello Fourth Grade Families,

I hope you're having a great week! We completed our fall MAP testing today and will conclude our reading benchmark testing by the end of the week. It is nice to have these things taken care of so we can dig in to our learning. See below for a subject area update.

We were thrilled to receive over 50 new classroom library books! WOO HOO! These titles are engaging, motivating, and at a variety of levels. The kids are begging for more time to read to get their hands on these books! Thank you for helping create a culture of reading and a frenzy over great books. Your support is incredible!

 You get a book! And you get a book! 

This week in fourth grade:

We are enjoying our class read aloud The Tiger Rising and are growing grounded and significant ideas about the characters. Ask your child what is happening in this story and to tell you about some of the characters.

We are so excited to get to visit the learning commons this year! Please return library books by next Tuesday morning so your child can check out new books! Since we are reading longer books, your child is welcome to renew if they are not finished after one week. 

Some students volunteered to step up as lunchroom helpers  last week while the fifth graders went to camp! This is a great preview for an important job that students will participate in at the end of this year and next year as 5th graders!

We are working hard on multiplication. Please remind your child to take some time to brush up on their multiplication facts! Having these memorized will help greatly with the work that we will be doing!

In science we (most of us) had so much fun participating in the cow eye dissection with Dr. Gohel. It was very cool to see and touch the parts of the eye that we're learning about.  We will continue to build on our learning about eyes by learning about animal eye shine. Check out our Seesaw for pictures of the fun!

You can start to check out some of your student's class work by using our Seesaw page. The directions were emailed to you earlier this week but are also linked here. Enjoy! Seesaw Sign Up Link:

Mr. Saunders Curricular Math Support