Friday, September 28, 2018

Weekend News 9-28-18

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
Happy Hearts of Gold day! Thank you to all who helped raise money for the Children's Advocacy Center. This is a worthy cause and your efforts are appreciated! This week in class we did our first Kids Have Rights follow up lesson. A handout from our classroom work is coming home today.

EGR Homecoming Spirit Week is next week! A list of the dress up days below...
Monday: beach day
Tuesday: pj day (we will be going on our field trip, save pj's for Wednesday)
Wednesday: crazy hair/4th grade pjs
Thursday: famous person
Friday: East pride!

On Tuesday October 2 we will take our first field trip to Heritage Park. We will leave Wealthy at 8:30 am and will return around 2 pm. The bus leaves promptly at 8:30 so please make sure your student is on time on Tuesday!!  Thank you to the parents who've said they'll meet us there. We appreciate your help. 
Please remind your fourth grader to dress for the weather! No pj's please, we will do our pj's on Wednesday along with crazy hair day. No devices on the bus but feel free to bring a book or lap activity! Please pack a lunch (and drink) from home for your child on field trip day. Thank you!

If you have not send your $25 activity fee to the office, please do this by Monday! Thank you!

Conference sign up via Skyward went out this week. Conferences will be held on October 18th and 23rd. Please let me know if you need help with scheduling.

This week in fourth grade:

In science we built our Ecocolumns! Thank you to all of the amazing parent helpers! All fourth graders are so excited about this engaging project. It has been fun to observe the Ecocolumns and see how they change. Expect your child's Ecocolumn to come home on Thursday October 4th. If your child bikes or scooters to school, they will need a ride home on Thursday in order to transport the Ecocolumn.

In math we continued to learn different strategies for multiplication.  We worked through many multi-step problems and are learning so much!  Keep practicing those basic facts at home! Keep working on the nightly homework too, you are all doing a great job with turning in math homework. A study guide for the Chapter 2 multiplication test will come home NEXT Friday. The test will be the following week. 

In reading we worked to make an interpretation about the book we're reading. We used the characters, setting, mood, feelings, recurring objects, and important events to come to an understanding about the book. We will be finishing The Tiger Rising next week. I continue to be amazed by the way these students can intensely read and think. 

 Have a great weekend! Go East!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Weekend News 9-21-18

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
 Next week Wednesday at 8:30 am we will create Ecocolumns with the other 4th grade classes. Thank you to all who've signed up to help with this fun project. Volunteers- please arrive at 8 am. We should finish before 10 am. 

On Thursday the 27th we will collect all brown paper bags with funds raised for Hearts of Gold. You are welcome to send your child's money in before if you'd like. 

We will take our first field trip to Michigan Heritage Park in Muskegon on October 2nd. We will take students on the school bus but would like a few parents from each class to car pool and meet us there to help chaperone.  More information and a sign up will be coming soon.

Parent/teacher conferences will be held on October 18 and 23rd. You will receive information soon on how to sign up via Skyward. 

This week in fourth grade:

  • We observed and got to know our class pet, Pete. Things we discovered: he likes arugula, he prefers kids to adults, he doesn't move very much, and he likes the heat lamp!
  • We learned how to debate our opinions of a book with a partner. We looked to find text evidence about characters in the books we're reading. 
  • We began multiplication using algebra. If homework is tricky use this resource: Mr. Saunders math tutorials
  • We worked with a partner in science to create a Google Slideshow about animal coloring and markings. We will present these next week!

Enjoy some pictures from our visit to the library this week: 
students reading in the librarystudents reading in the library

students reading in the library
students reading in the librarystudents reading in the library

Monday, September 17, 2018

Meet Pete!

We have a new class pet! His name is Pete and he is a bearded dragon. A generous Wealthy family has donated him to our classroom. Pete is a 2 year old male. He has previously lived with two other families.

The students unanimously voted to have Pete as our class pet and agreed to take responsibility for his care. We had an exciting opportunity today that I'm sure your 4th grader will tell you about. Everyone volunteered to help clean Pete's habitat!

Bearded Dragon

 pogona vitticeps
  • Bearded dragons get their name from their ability to puff or flare out the skin under their throats, which darkens their skin to a black color resembling a beard. This is a defense mechanism, making them look more threatening to predators and other animals.
  • Bearded dragons can live more than 10 years with proper care.
  • Many bearded dragons develop unique behaviors such as “waving” or bobbing their heads. These behaviors are most often observed when they are being territorial or during mating season.
  • Bearded dragons are omnivores, consuming insects, vegetables and fruits.
  • Bearded dragons use their short tongues to capture and eat crickets and worms. As well as eating natural foods, bearded dragons can be provided commercially produced diets sold in stores. Conversion methods may initially be needed to entice bearded dragons to eat the commercially prepared food.
  • As omnivores, bearded dragons have a varied diet including, but not limited to, crickets, worms and vegetables. Adults can even eat small frozen, thawed rodents.
  • Bearded dragons are native to Australia.
  • Bearded dragons make great pets because they are easy to care for and have sociable personalities.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Weekend News 9-14-18

Hello Fourth Grade Families,

We survived the first full week of school! Phew! 
We did a lot this week. We took our first chapter math test, MAP Reading assessment, Benchmark Reading Assessment...and the list goes on. Your fourth grader might need some rest and relaxation after this action-packed week. 

The Hearts of Gold game to support the Children's Advocacy Center is on September 28th. We like to encourage students to think of a way they can work to raise money to donate to this worthy cause. Some are already talking about having lemonade stands or collecting pop cans. You can purchase a Hearts of Gold t-shirt for $12. See below for days to buy!

Please begin to collect 2 liter bottles for the Ecocolumn project! Students were shown an example of what to bring and how to label in class this week. Students will keep these in their lockers until September 26th. If you are available to volunteer to help with making Ecocolumns, please use this SIGN UP GENIUS to let me know! THANK YOU!

We will collect Box Tops September 26-28. Thanks for your participation!

Thank you to all who placed a September Book Order! The books should arrive sometime next week. 

This week in fourth grade:

We are continuing to read The Tiger Rising together and are growing grounded and significant ideas about the characters. Ask your child what is happening in this story and to tell you about some of the characters.

We visited the learning commons and picked out our first books of the year! Please return those books by next Tuesday morning so your child can check out new books! Since we are reading longer books, your child is welcome to renew if they are not finished after one week. 

Some students volunteered to step up as lunchroom helpers while the fifth graders went to camp! This is a great preview for an important job next year!

We will begin to work on multiplication next week. Please remind your child to take some time to brush up on their multiplication facts! Having these memorized will help greatly with the work that we will be doing! 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Weekend News 9-7-18

Dear Fourth Grade Families,
Thank you for joining us on Wednesday evening for Parent Information Night. Our presentation went a little long so I wasn't able to communicate all of the things I wanted to say! I will note a few things here.

  • We could use another library volunteer! Consider helping if you are free on Tuesdays from 11-11:24. Thank you!
  • Please contact Gloriana ( if you are interested in volunteering in the classroom!
  • I will send this weekly communication via email and post it to the blog each week. Please use whichever communication method works best for you!
  • I will use the Remind app for last minute communications (email me if you did not receive the invite on Wed night)
  • I will use Seesaw to share student work
  • Please begin collecting 2 liter pop bottles for the Ecocolumn project! (see post below for more details)
Our class will participate in the Kids Have Rights program on Friday morning. If you would NOT like to have your child participate, please send me an email or return the form. If you have already returned the form, you are all set.

The Variety Show will be on October 10 (school show) and 11 (evening show). Please click here for the sign up form. If your child would like to be a crew member, please click here. I can't wait to see what these talented kids have to offer!

Picture proofs are coming home tonight. You can order your child's photos by going to the website and entering your personal code. Order by 9/28! Retakes on 10/23.

This week in fourth grade:
In reading we worked with partners to envision what is happening in a text. We are creating movies in our mind and thinking beyond what the book says. Encourage your child to think about what a character might be thinking in their own head or how a character would physically react as you read together.

In math we were full swing into MATH stations. This has worked well for our class and offers a variety of things to do as well as movement. Login information for Zearn came home this week. Feel free to try it at home! 

We will be taking the Chapter 1 math test on Wednesday. A study guide will come home tonight. Please use the next four days to study for this test with your child. Suggestion: go through each lesson and have your child complete one of two of the problems we didn't get to in class.

Please read the blog posts about Ecocolumns if you have any questions! More information is coming soon.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ecocolumn Bottle Directions

Dear Parents,

The fourth grade students will be making Ecocolumns in Science. To do so, each student
needs to collect 3 clear plastic, 2-liter bottles. The bottles should be clear, have straight
sides, and be rinsed. Do NOT use soap to clean the bottles.

The bottles need to be cut according to the instructions below and brought in by
Wednesday, September 19. Coca-Cola has changed their bottles, and they WILL NOT
work for Ecocolumns. Pepsi and local pop products are the style that work best.

Bottle Instructions:

Use the inches guide to help you mark lines on the bottles.
Then cut the bottles where the lines are marked. Making an incision with a scalpel or knife
and then cutting with scissors works well. Bring the parts LABELED A, B, C and D on the
diagram to school. Also, leave the cap on that goes with part C.

Ecocolumn Bottle Guide.jpg

Please place the 4 items in a plastic grocery bag with your child’s name on it. Thank you for your help with this project!

The Fourth Grade Teachers


Great news, everyone!
It’s about that time of year where we complete our annual Ecocolumns project in science class.
Each student will be creating a water and land habitat suitable for observation in our science classes for a week. Once we’re finished with them in class the students will be able to take them home.
Sure! Here’s a video from 2011 of students creating, observing, and discussing their Ecocolumns in class.

Parents and students, we’re asking you collect 3 specific types of 2-liter bottles, clean them, cut them, and bring them to school by Wednesday, September 28. Check out this handy set of directions with details on where to make cuts, how to label your bottles, and what to bring to school.
1) Get 3 2-liter bottles
2) Cut them according to the directions
3) Clean them. Take off labels.
4) Label them A, B, C, and put your child’s name on them in an out of the way place (initials are fine)
5) Put in plastic bag and send to school by Wednesday, September 28
6) Email Mr. Saunders to sign up as a volunteer for Tuesday, October 4 from 8:00 – 10:00 AM in the gym
Ecocolumn Bottle Cutting Guide
Nope! They changed their bottle style a few years back and they don’t fit together to form airtight chambers like we need the Ecocolumns to come together. Take a look at the differences from old to new. Do you see those grooves and indentations? That’s what we don’t need.
Pepsi still uses the same type of bottle style that we need. Local companies like Faygo also use the style we need. You might have good luck using club soda 2-liters.
You can ask a neighbor, your aunts or uncles, grandparents, friends next door, or another cherished individual if they have any extras you could have. In the past the Gaslight D&W has been known to give away their 2-liter bottles at their bottle return if you ask sweetly and tell them that you need them for science class at Wealthy. If you are really desperate, you could just buy the three cheapest bottles that you can find and empty them out.
Yes! Please don’t use green or pink or whatever tinted bottles. We want all of the available light spectrum to enter your Ecocolumn to help everything grow.
They best thing to do is to run the bottles under really hot water for a while. I don’t recommend a cleaning solution unless you use a really mild soap and rinse it like crazy. You definitely don’t want any remains of the pop/soda, and you definitely don’t want any remains of the soap or detergent you used.
Also make sure that the labels are completely off so that your student can see what’s going on in there.
Yes! Let a parent help or lead with this step!
First mark where you’ll cut with a ruler and sharpie about 4 times around the outside of your bottle. Then use an x-acto knife or razor to start the cut, and scissors to cut. You can connect the marks to get an even cut.
We’d like them at school by Wednesday, September 19. Please send them in a plastic bag with your student’s name written in them with a Sharpie. Of course, make sure that they name is written small so that it’s not blocking their observations.
Sure! Please send Mr. Saunders an email and let him know that you’re willing to lend a hand. We’re looking for at least 20 adults who are interested in helping out from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 26. We’ll be working in the gym that morning.
There’s no limit to the number of parents who can come join us. Grandparents are also welcome to come along! Please make sure that you have a volunteer form completed in the office first!
Wednesday, September 26, from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Our fabulous PTO provides all of our living materials and animals for us, and we are extremely grateful for their ongoing support.