Friday, September 28, 2018

Weekend News 9-28-18

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
Happy Hearts of Gold day! Thank you to all who helped raise money for the Children's Advocacy Center. This is a worthy cause and your efforts are appreciated! This week in class we did our first Kids Have Rights follow up lesson. A handout from our classroom work is coming home today.

EGR Homecoming Spirit Week is next week! A list of the dress up days below...
Monday: beach day
Tuesday: pj day (we will be going on our field trip, save pj's for Wednesday)
Wednesday: crazy hair/4th grade pjs
Thursday: famous person
Friday: East pride!

On Tuesday October 2 we will take our first field trip to Heritage Park. We will leave Wealthy at 8:30 am and will return around 2 pm. The bus leaves promptly at 8:30 so please make sure your student is on time on Tuesday!!  Thank you to the parents who've said they'll meet us there. We appreciate your help. 
Please remind your fourth grader to dress for the weather! No pj's please, we will do our pj's on Wednesday along with crazy hair day. No devices on the bus but feel free to bring a book or lap activity! Please pack a lunch (and drink) from home for your child on field trip day. Thank you!

If you have not send your $25 activity fee to the office, please do this by Monday! Thank you!

Conference sign up via Skyward went out this week. Conferences will be held on October 18th and 23rd. Please let me know if you need help with scheduling.

This week in fourth grade:

In science we built our Ecocolumns! Thank you to all of the amazing parent helpers! All fourth graders are so excited about this engaging project. It has been fun to observe the Ecocolumns and see how they change. Expect your child's Ecocolumn to come home on Thursday October 4th. If your child bikes or scooters to school, they will need a ride home on Thursday in order to transport the Ecocolumn.

In math we continued to learn different strategies for multiplication.  We worked through many multi-step problems and are learning so much!  Keep practicing those basic facts at home! Keep working on the nightly homework too, you are all doing a great job with turning in math homework. A study guide for the Chapter 2 multiplication test will come home NEXT Friday. The test will be the following week. 

In reading we worked to make an interpretation about the book we're reading. We used the characters, setting, mood, feelings, recurring objects, and important events to come to an understanding about the book. We will be finishing The Tiger Rising next week. I continue to be amazed by the way these students can intensely read and think. 

 Have a great weekend! Go East!