Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Weekly Update--12-18-19, Last of 2019!

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
We have had such a big week! Thank you to all who chaperoned our field trip on Monday. We learned so much! I didn't realize what a beautiful facility we had right here in town. If you have not yet visited, you should! They currently have the former Breton Village train on display. Free admission to see the train during winter break was advertised if you need something to do! 

The kids had a blast at the party and sang beautifully at the showcase. Thank you to all parents who helped with the party. It was fun to celebrate together. I am so thankful for the completely generous class gift. Extra thanks goes to Mary who pulled it all together during an extremely busy time of life! I am looking forward to having a really fun date night with my husband and am thankful to all of you for your thoughtfulness!

Tomorrow will be pajama day for our class. Your child is welcome to bring a blanket or stuffed animal to school as well.

I hope you all have a wonderful winter break with your families and I look forward to seeing you in 2020! Happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Weekly Update 12-10-19

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
I cannot believe we are in the last weeks of 2019. We have many exciting things coming up in the next week and a half.

On Monday we will drive to the Gerald R Ford Museum for a field trip. Thank you to the parents who've signed up as drivers, we are all set!

I look forward to visiting with those of you who can come to our winter party and showcase next week. The class party will be held from 12:30-1:30. The concert will begin at 2 pm. It looks like everything is taken care of, but if you'd like to see what we need for the party, click HERE.

Important Dates:
Thursday 12/12-KFB items due (raisins or fruit strips), Walk to HS for 1:00 pm concert.
Friday 12/13- FLEA MARKET!! 12:30-2:00
Monday 12/16- GR Ford Field Trip 9:00-2:00 pm
Tuesday 12/17- Party 12:30, Showcase 2:00
Thursday 12/19- Pajama Day! Your child is welcome to bring a blanket or stuffed animal to school as well!
Friday- 12/20- No School! Enjoy your winter break:)

This week in fourth grade:
We've worked hard in science to design earthquake resistant structures! We used a shake table to test the sustainability of our design. The students are really enjoying this engineering design challenge.

The class was excited to have the opportunity to share their natural disaster books with their kindergarten reading buddies on Friday. They were great teachers and proud of their work!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Chapter 5 Review Kahoot!

Many fourth graders have requested that I share the review work we did in class today. Take some time this weekend to play the quiz if you have time! Watch out for those questions that are worded in a tricky way!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Flea Market Information

Flea Market information from Mrs. Tinholt:

The Flea Market is next week, Friday on December 13. There is a lot of positive energy in our Social Studies classroom. Students are using words like expenses, revenue, investment, supply/demand, profits, etc… in classroom conversations and in their daily work. A large part of this success is due to the work of our Junior Achievement instructors. A HUGE thank you to Randy Renker, Mario Orsini, and Katie Stein. Every Wednesday for the past 5 weeks, they have been presenting economic lessons while connecting the concepts to real-world experiences. It has been an amazing time of learning in our classroom.
As we move into our final days before the marketplace, here are a few details to keep in mind.
Schedule: Thursday, December 13
11:25 – 12:10 Lunchtime and Clean-up
12:10 Tables are set-up 
12:20ish All fourth graders set up businesses in the gym. Parents are welcome to arrive at this time to help with set up, but may not enter the gym until the marketplace is set up.
12:30 Businesses are officially open. Students may begin selling their products when they are ready.
1:00 Students should reevaluate their price. (raise or lower)
2:15 Flea Market begins to wind down. Parents should arrive no later than 2 pm in case it ends earlier. Parents are welcome to take home flea market items but cash boxes should be kept at school for students to count totals.
2:30 Clean-up and students begin counting 

What to bring on the day of the flea market?
  1. Cash box with $5 in quarters to make change. If there are two students in a business they will each need to bring $5 in quarters.
  2. Spending $$ - Students will not be allowed to spend their business money.
  3. Goods or services to be sold
  4. Business poster – it should state the name of the business, goods/services sold, and the cost. Students should hang their business permits on the poster or next to it. Permits will be issued the day before the marketplace.
  5. Sharpie marker or something similar – to change prices on business poster.
  6. Tape – to hang poster
  7. Cleaning supplies – students will need to clean up their areas or be charged a cleaning fee. Bring extra paper towel if you are serving drinks.

If you have any further questions, please check out our Flea Market webpage found here. There are useful tools and video advertisements to check out. You can contact me as well!
Thank you for all of your support these past few weeks! 

Nonfiction Book Gallery Walk

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Weekly Update 12-3-19

Hello Everyone,
The next couple of weeks are packed full of activities! The purpose of this email is to highlight these events. Additional emails will be sent out regarding the Flea Market, field trip, and the class party. 

Field Trip: We will be going to the Gerald R Ford Museum on December 16. We will leave school at 9 am and return around 2 pm. Students will need to pack a sack lunch with a drink. Mary has sent out a sign up for parent drivers and chaperones within the next few days. It should be a great trip reinforcing our understanding of the federal government.

Math: We will be completing our quick factors and multiples unit with the assessment on Monday. Take some time this weekend to help your fourth grader study! Next week we get to start Geometry. Students will enjoy this break from the tougher units we have completed since the start of the year. There may be less homework during this unit so I am encouraging students to review multiplication facts and long division if needed. 

Kids Food Basket: The student leadership team is collecting items for KFB. The 4th grade is encouraged to donate fruit strips or boxes of raisins. Items will be collected until December 12.

Winter Party: Our class winter/holiday party will be on December 17 at 12:30 pm. 

Winter Showcase: Our winter/holiday concert is on December 17 at 2 pm. Students are encouraged to wear wintry sweaters with a choice of either winter hats, mittens, or scarves and nice pants for this performance. 

Upcoming Dates:
December 12: EGR High School Holiday Concert at 1 pm. We will be walking to the high school after lunch and return around 2 pm. Keep this in mind if your child has an appointment on this date.
December 13: Flea Market in Wealthy Gym from 12:20 - 2 pm. See the additional email from Mrs. Tinholt.
December 16: Field Trip to Gerald R Ford Museum from 9 am - 2ish pm.
December 17: Class Holiday Party at 12:30 pm
December 17: Wealthy Winter Showcase at 2 pm in Pioneer Auditorium. 
December 20: No School

Have a wonderful week!