Friday, November 1, 2019

Weekly Update 11-1-19

Hello Fourth Grade Families,

A huge thank you goes out to all of the parents who planned, volunteered, and attended our Halloween party yesterday! What fun! The kids and I appreciate your commitment.

Suddenly it is November and we seem to be flying through this year. Next week we will have our Kids Have Rights program on Friday from 10:25-11:25. Please return the form to school if you would NOT like your child to participate.

We are working hard on our math unit on division. This is challenging work! We are learning new strategies and working to relate multiplication to division. Take some time over the weekend to check in on division and math homework with your student. Also, take advantage of Mr. Saunders Math Tutorials to assist with challenging lessons. We are learning long division next week...get ready!

In reading we are working to identify the text structures of our nonfiction texts. We learned this week that it is helpful to match our note taking to the structure of the text we're reading. We will launch a fun group research project next week!

Enjoy this well deserved weekend with your family!