Friday, May 10, 2019

Weekend News 5-10-19

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
It was fun to visit with many of you at the Wizard Walk and Family Fun Night. How incredible that as a school we raised $40,000! Thank you all for your donations, participation, and for organizing a fun event for all to enjoy. 

Tuesday will be our last day to check out library books for the school year! Thank you to our faithful volunteers Beth and Carmen for taking such great care of us this year. It has been fun to see you each week. 

Next week we will begin our session of M-STEP testing. On Tuesday and Wednesday we will take the ELA test. Please help your child arrive on time as we will begin first thing in the morning. It is always helpful to have a good night of sleep and big healthy breakfast to give your child maximum brain power. We will take the math M-STEP test the following week.

On Thursday May 16th we are having a Mackinac chaperone meeting. If you have been selected as a chaperone, it is necessary that you attend this meeting. I look forward to seeing you in the Learning Commons at 5:30 pm. 

On Friday May 17th we will participate in Field Day as the last TEAM celebration of the school year. Hopefully the weather holds out for us! Rain date is May 24. 

I will submit the last book order of the year on May 17th! 

This week in fourth grade: 

  • We built electrical circuits and engineered a switch to open and close the circuit. Check out our Seesaw page to watch a video of this in action!
  • We worked in research teams to study different subtopics on The American Revolution. We are learning that readers of history always think about the 3W's: who, where, and when.
  • We found the perimeter and area of various shapes. We learned that it is sometimes necessary to break a shape into multiple rectangles to accurately find the area.