Friday, April 19, 2019

Weekend News 4-19-19

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
I hope you had a nice week! Yesterday students had the opportunity to cheer on the Lakeside Lions during their school musical production while the fourth grade team worked on refining details of our Mackinac Island field trip! 
We will be holding an informational parent meeting regarding the Mackinac trip for ALL parents on April 30th at 5:30 pm. We will meet in Pioneer Auditorium. Please attend this informative meeting to ensure a successful trip. There will be a separate parent chaperone meeting held on May 16th at 5:30 pm. You only need to attend this meeting if you are a chaperone on the trip. 

If you are still interested in ordering from Scholastic, please place your online order by the end of the school day today. Thank you!

This week in fourth grade:

  • We presented our Rube Goldberg creations to our science classes. These videos can be viewed on our class Seesaw page. Presenting via video was a great learning experience for all students. In addition to working through the steps of the scientific investigation process, students learned lessons about working cooperatively in a small group. I am proud of the creativity and efforts all groups put into this project.
  • We continued our study of poetry and enjoyed writing some poems of our own.
  • We reviewed concepts of measurement students have previously learned and will build on those throughout this chapter.