Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Weekly Update 3-2-20

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
March is off to a fantastic start and we are encouraging children to READ, READ, and READ some more! Here are a couple of important events that are coming up to celebrate this theme. 

Our March is Reading Month project is off to a great start. You should have received information on the Read Around Michigan program last week. We will be reading a lot this month and counting minutes like miles. Students will record reading minutes in their tour booklets (bring back and forth to school each day) and can turn in their tour booklets for tickets and for special classroom activities. One of our special activity that many students are looking forward to will be Wednesday, 3/18. Our reading minutes will take us to Hartwick Pines State Park which is home to a lumbering camp. We will have a lumberjack day at school which includes making pancakes at 8:30 am. We could use a few parent volunteers at that time. If you are able to help out, please send me an email or note. In addition, every Friday we will have a drawing from the tickets collected. We already have some awesome prizes in our treasure box.Thanks to all who've donated. Additional prize donations are always appreciated. The more we have, the more I can give!!

The book fair arrives next week at Wealthy Elementary! Our class will be shopping on Tuesday, 3/10 at 2:30 pm. Your child is welcome to bring money to purchase books or they can use that time to make a list of books that they would like to purchase/read. During our time, I will allow 4th graders to buy only books. All other items like pencils, pens, posters, etc… can be purchased at other times during the week with your permission.

This week we are starting a new unit in Reading - Historical Fiction book clubs. Your child will be engaging in a variety of text within an assigned book club.

Lastly, the final celebration for our month of reading is a field trip to the IMAX movie on Thursday, April 2 to see A Beautiful Planet. The cost of this trip is covered by the activity fund money collected at the beginning of the year. We will need drivers and chaperones. If you are able to join us, please email me with the number of students that can ride in your car. This is such an incredible movie that parents and students always enjoy.

Thank you and have a great week!