Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Weekly Update 8-27-19

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
We had a fantastic first week of fourth grade. I have loved getting to know your child and we have participated in many activities to build our classroom community. 
Join us this evening at Wealthy for the Back to School Picnic. The fun begins at 5:30. I hope to see you there!

On Wednesday, September 4 we will hold Parent Information Night for fourth grade families in Pioneer Auditorium. We plan on starting promptly at 5:15 pm. You will hear from the fourth grade team about our exciting field trips and other grade level essentials. I will reserve the last 10 minutes to meet with families from our class in room 311. I am eager to connect with you all! 

Picture day is September 6th! 

Thank you to all who have placed a September order for Scholastic Book Clubs! We are on track to earn a lot of new books for our classroom! For those who are still planning on ordering, I will submit on September 6th. If you order online, our class code is HB4N7. 

We will have two sessions of fall MAP testing. We will take the math assessment on 9/10 and the reading assessment on 9/17.

Remember- there will be no school for students on Friday or the following Monday in observance of Labor Day. 

Have a great long weekend with your family!

Our book recommendations...

Monday, August 19, 2019

First Day of School 2019-2020

Hello Fourth Grade Families!
We had a fantastic first day of school today! Everyone was kind, respectful, and worked hard. It is going to be an awesome year!

Important things to know:
  • We will go to specials tomorrow morning. Please make sure your student has gym shoes. Our class attends specials in this order: art, music, gym.
  • Students will have the opportunity for snack each day before morning recess.
  • On Thursday we will do playground rotations with the other 3-5 classrooms. Please make sure your student has sneakers to wear for this event. A teacher will lead each station and explain rules and expectations for all recess options. Students will be given a short time to play at the end of each station. 
  • There will be no school on Friday!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for our first full day of school!
Take care,
Stacey Goodman

Birthday Month Pictures!
